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Thread: SASQ V2 #2: The meaning of life
What is the meaning of life? - 18 votes cast
1: To worship [DEITY], and to follow him/her/it without question
1: To spread peace, love, and happiness.
2: Other (please explain below so I can add it in.)
2: Happiness and progress.
12: LIfe has no meaning. We exist because we do.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
Heyo! So, I wanted to revisit a topic that I asked about on Fig a long time ago, and that is: what is the meaning of life, if there is indeed one? People's opinions seem to differ so much on this issue. Ask a hundred people this question, and you'll get a hundred different answers. So what are your answers? What do you think is the meaning of life, or is there one at all?

Shade's answer: To me, saying that life has a meaning, a purpose, implies that there's some grander wisdom behind it all, which I don't believe exists. So, to me, life has no inherent meaning.
Avatar of TChosen1
To me, the meaning of life is in two parts

1. Happiness
2. Progress

Happiness is obvious.

Progress is just as important as happiness. We live to improve things, to create, to innovate, to discover, and to understand.
Avatar of spopo

Well, there is no meaning to life. We exist because we do.

BUT, living things do show some interesting properties not shown by other entities in the universe. Our free will allows us to create things, and organize things, and give everything a structure.

The only thing we (living things) can do better than others (non living things) is creation, organization and construction. It seems like our "duty", sort of.
Avatar of Drake
uh, that's literally impossible. the negentropy bit. you can't create negentropy.
Avatar of spopo
Fuck thermodynamics, I have some serious swag here that can whop that disorganization and spontaneously turn the universe into a picture of Mona Lisa. cum at me m8
Avatar of fs627
Yay nihilism!

I firmly believe that our life has no inherent value. I also believe that free will is simply an illusion precluding us from truly establishing even subjective meaning, we only think that we have.
Avatar of SignerJ
Unfortunately, my post probably won't be very long or deeply philosophical or stuffs, but I will throw in my viewpoint anyway.

I don't think that life has any "meaning." We exist because we do. The universe was just fine before we were around, it is still fine while we are around, and it will be perfectly okay after we all have turned to cosmic dust.

With that said, I do my best to avoid being a negative influence on people and on society. So there's that.
Avatar of MerlinMe
To live and die, is just a useless cycle, I could be "good, kind ect" or I could be a killer, or just become a potato. Guess what, it all leads to the sameout come, death.
Avatar of Hyphero
Essentially, it is what you make of it, but happiness is paramount, and morality is a great tool for helping other people achieve this goal (plus, being good can feel good).

I don't think nihilism is a useful position to hold, and usually indicates poor happiness.

Option #2 sounds like a great purpose to make of your life, and is also spiritually valuable.

Your path is different than mine, which is different than Shadowstaar 's.
Avatar of SavageWolf
From a biological perspective, our goal in life is to reproduce, and keep our genes going and evolving. That's it. Hell, that is the only reason we try to stay alive; so we can reproduce.

However, humans have evolved far beyond our "base desires" as it were. We have cities and science and whatnot and are really, really intelligent. Therefore I say that, for humans, we choose our own "meaning of life" like happiness, creating world peace, leaving behind a legacy and so on. Those kind of things, and they are unique for each person.

I don't know what mine is, but it's probably a mixture of happiness, trying to help people and solve problems.