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Thread: What is your perception on religion and spirituality?
What is your perception on religion and spirituality? - 18 votes cast
3: Positive toward religion and spirituality
2: Positive toward religion, ambivalent or neutral toward spirituality
0: Positive toward religion, negative toward spirituality
2: Ambivalent or neutral toward religion, but positive toward spirituality
1: Ambivalent or neutral toward religion and spirituality
1: Ambivalent or neutral toward religion, negative toward spirituality
0: Negative toward religion, positive toward spirituality
4: Negative toward religion, ambivalent or neutral toward spirituality
3: Negative toward religion and spirituality
Avatar of Hyphero
I'm not too fond of dogma and other negative aspects of religion, and I'm not too fond of organized religion.

However, spirituality is nothing short of awesome in the original sense of the word.
Avatar of DarkDragon10
Personally I believe in Spirtuality and an afterlife. Now that doesn't mean I try and make people believe and try and force people to believe in so. I have always been scared of death so the thought of going somewhere after I die is a comforting thought. And the thoughts of Spirits of a passing family member watching over me is comforting too makes me realize a part of them is still with me.
Avatar of donutsizzle
Here on Fallen Fig I feel comfortable enough to say what I really think.

But I don't really feel like it, and I don't really think much anyway.
Avatar of Hyphero
I'm glad you feel that way.
Avatar of Drake
since i'm the only person who's picked 'neutral religion, negative spirituality" i think i should explain. obviously in my own worldview both are provably false, so truth doesn't really come into it; rather religion is a far more attractive meme, so intelligent people are more likely to get drawn to it. spirituality is almost always indicative of ignorance, as far as my experience goes. to state more succinctly: the fact "person X believes in organized religion" is far less evidence for the conclusion "person X is someone who i would dislike" than "person X is spiritual".