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Thread: Measuring Demand
If this site was active, would you use it? - 27 votes cast
25: Yes
2: No
Avatar of SavageWolf
Okay, here is the deal. If 20 people say they would use this site, I will create a few sample threads about a variety of topics in order to "get it started" and maintain the site.

Otherwise, uh, what is the point?
Avatar of SwordGuardian
I'd use this site to the fullest extent of the law.(^w^)

But really, I'd like to see this site be active, that way we have somewhere other than Fig Hunter, where we're free to talk about things we want to talk about and have fun without being too badly controlled...
Avatar of fs627
I would love for this site to become active, although there's no guarantee that I'd do anything more than lurk. It's just nice to have somewhere to lurk where there isn't constant drama and there's the occasional interesting post.
Avatar of Hyphero
Please make this site active.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Looks like we have 20 then?

Of course I should mention that I meant 20 yes votes more than no votes. :P

Nah, only kidding. What little people there are here seem keen on this site... o_O
Avatar of Hyphero
Well, regardless of that, you now have 20 more yes's than no's!

"If 20 people say they would use this site" does mean simply 20 yes votes, not 20 more yes's than no's.
Avatar of Drake
little bit of a selection effect, don't you think?