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Thread: My introvertiveness
Avatar of Brock
Well, I figured I'd post my own poem about myself here... yeah... (though I don't mean to put a bad light on anything here)

Cast aside your anger, it will serve you nothing but tears. Your happiness is never true enjoyment over the years. You cling to hope, yet you dwindle like a flower. You are an introvert, whose seeds of joy you never sower. You are alone, an empty husk in a field of lively, outgoing chloerics. You cannot fathom violence, and your mind never cycles off of one thing: true rhetorics. You are alone..

Yes... I hope you enjoyed reading my soppy, poorly rhyme schemed poem... Nonetheless, I enjoyed making it.
Avatar of JensoTheWeak
That is quite a nice poem. I'm glad you still come here man.