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Here are comments posted by donutsizzle!
Avatar of donutsizzle
Savvy, how you feel about Pseudo now is understandable and unproblematic, in my opinion.

How you felt about him in the past, on the other hand, where you elevated him above yourself, was not, and is greatly contributory to the intensity of your current feelings, the way I see it.

If you had only treated him as an equal from the beginning, skeptical of his powers of insight and empathy, you wouldn't have experienced nearly the shock to find he has terrible flaws that are not just pitiful but personally offensive. The pity was in no way detrimental to the kind of deification that Pseudo has been allotted, but the offenses tear down the facade fairly quickly.
Avatar of donutsizzle
1. I have no idea and no interest in knowing anything of the sort.

2. Like him? No, not really. To be perfectly honest, there are few internet personalities I genuinely like, at least without a fairly long list of conditions. Just like in the rest of life. I need to, as a frequently tired introvert, limit my number of close relationships, so I've developed some fairly high standards (as a feely, perceiving person, they're fairly fluid) to be met in order to be genuinely liked. Or at least what I consider "genuinely liked." I appreciate his internet existence. To be perfectly honest, there are few internet personalities for whom I do not appreciate existence.

The thing about feely types (are you one?) is that they are not incapable of understanding logic. It does not confuse them. I am not confused by logic. It makes perfect sense to me. I just don't find it that convincing. I'm also not scared by logic, I don't give it enough power to scare me. Sheep, you are deceiving yourself. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's generally better to recognize one's own self-deception, I feel. Just like in the rest of life. I appreciate social interactions for the understandings they can afford me, but will not pursue stronger friendships with the majority of the people I meet or acquaint myself with.

Anyway, Pseudo isn't some god. He's just a person. Fragile like the rest of us. He should be treated as the equal he is, not as some superior entity. That is how I feel, no logic necessary.

I'm an INFP, by the way, if that clarifies things for you.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'm perfectly fine with him being fragile. What I'm not fine is with him using it as an excuse to ignore other peoples feelings.

Avatar of donutsizzle
Savvy, how you feel about Pseudo now is understandable and unproblematic, in my opinion.

How you felt about him in the past, on the other hand, where you elevated him above yourself, was not, and is greatly contributory to the intensity of your current feelings, the way I see it.

If you had only treated him as an equal from the beginning, skeptical of his powers of insight and empathy, you wouldn't have experienced nearly the shock to find he has terrible flaws that are not just pitiful but personally offensive. The pity was in no way detrimental to the kind of deification that Pseudo has been allotted, but the offenses tear down the facade fairly quickly.
Avatar of donutsizzle
I saw it!

It is an extremely sexist piece of trash. Disney continues to exploit young and naive female youths to indoctrinate them into a submissive materialistic role that will inevitably lead to an unsatisfying life that is profitable to corporations and patriarchal society as a whole. What small appeasements they try to provide to a perspective of male and female equality would be laughable if the whole situation weren't so depressing. If I had a daughter I would not allow her to watch Disney films, including Frozen.
Avatar of donutsizzle
When I was younger and dumber, I might have used it to purchase illegal hallucinogenic and otherwise mind altering substances. If I did, I might have ended up dead or in jail. So I'm glad it didn't exist when I was younger and dumber and I wish it didn't exist now for the sake of those like how I once was.
Avatar of donutsizzle
In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

Avatar of donutsizzle
If my play was ignored, then you just played twice in a row. Isn't that worth -100,000,000 points or something?
Avatar of donutsizzle
There wasn't much to draw from the discard pile, so I ended up picking Finerrthinup back up. Finerrthinup, I choose you!

Re-raises point limit to 10,000,000.

(You provided the rules and started the game; you can't fight it now)
Avatar of donutsizzle
I play the second card: Finerrthinup - "Awwww, look what you done did." - Raise the current point limit to 10,000,000

(I submitted my deck to Lazzie in order to throw off Hyphy's game)
Avatar of donutsizzle
Well I looked through the resources provided. Perhaps it will take more time to digest.

I can accept a subculture. I have been member of a few sub- and countercultures myself.

But... identifying as other than human? This is still ludicrous to me. Identifying with a particular group of humans I understand. Identifying oneself as being part of a fictional race I do not.

I do not think it is "crazy," just stupid. I am sorry if this offends you. Alienation from larger cultures, groups, society/civilization at large is common, and I don't trust people who don't feel alienated to some extent. The way to deal with it in a positive progressive way, on the other hand, I feel is certainly opposed to the identification with a fundamentally separate group (species). Isolating oneself mentally from the larger group yet continuing to participate in it will have the same effect that a country's isolationism has on foreign wars that affect its own economy. Ignorance of something will not change its influence. Or so I see it.

If it makes you happy, I suppose, I am no one to object. It just seems counterproductive and frankly somewhat childish. To me.

I will keep the option of coming around open, but I cannot lie to myself about what I think and how I feel on the matter.
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