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Here are comments posted by TASIP!
Avatar of TASIP
What happened to SavageWolf's website thing?

EDIT: First
Avatar of SavageWolf
No idea, I should probably fix it or something. I want to remake it though, which is going to be hard considering my mental state.
Whoa, tone it down there, man.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Whoa, tone it up there, man.
I find your attitude repulsive, sir. I strongly suggest you consider painting your walls lime green.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Instead, I shall paint it the opposite of green, magenta. Just to spite you, sir.
What is even happening any more.

And, Deferent... The em-dash sad face is my face and my face alone! >:[
Avatar of deferentsheep
Avatar of TASIP
Magikarp is a Water-type so...

But just because Magikarp is my favorite doesn't mean it's typing is my favorite too.

I like Steel types: Jirachi, Ferrothorn, Dialga, etc.

Steel types are very cool, they're the Man-type of Pokémon to say the least. Even edging-out Fairy types in terms of manliness! :o
Avatar of TASIP
"O' clock" means of the clock. And what do we call those digital things with timers? Digital clock.

Yeah, it might be used only on those 12-hour clock things, but that's the literal meaning.
Avatar of TASIP
I just want to remind all of you that Magikarp is from Gen I.
Avatar of TASIP
I strongly prefer 24-hour clock system. Just for the sake of saying: "Thirteen o' clock."
Avatar of spopo
"Thirteen hundred hours"

I think "o' clock" is only used by 12 hour time, not sure. It does make sense since a clock does not have more than 12 divisions, and the origin of the phrase obviously involves a clock :o
Avatar of SignerJ
From what I understand, "o' clock" can be used with either time system, but "Hundred hours" is for military time, which uses the 24-hour system, but not all 24-hour systems are military time. (Run-on sentence?) Kind of like the square-rectangle relationship, or something.
Avatar of TASIP
"O' clock" means of the clock. And what do we call those digital things with timers? Digital clock.

Yeah, it might be used only on those 12-hour clock things, but that's the literal meaning.
Avatar of TASIP
But why stop bitching about Pseudolonewolf? Bitching is human's(including figgies ofc) greatest skill.

Who doesn't want doing things they do best anyway?
Avatar of TASIP
Mature Adults? Lolololol

I think you are though, since you are one of the members I totally respect, appreciate, etc. from afar, but most people (here) that think they are mature are just naive. Unless, you're just trying to say we're mature compared to four-years olds, then that's true.

The flag comment is actually a neat suggestion. :)

About the PM search, the mods can only look at PMs if someone reported it, like giving them permission; if someone abuses the report, it's them who'll be punished and etc., etc.

I don't want to double post so I'll just say it here too, I see many people biching about bans, I say:

SavageWolf = / = Pseudolonewolf

I would say more but I already got my main point across.
Avatar of TASIP
Not really a bug. "It's more of a site for peopleto [sic] discuss things, make friends, and to have deep discussion on various things."
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