Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Here are comments posted by DarkDragon10!
Avatar of DarkDragon10
Look like Nick Cage for a month I would not want anyone to possess my body. Plus he's not a terrible actor!
Would you rather starve yourself for three days with only water and no food whatsoever if it meant you would win 10 million dollars or kill a person for 10 million dollars?
Avatar of DarkDragon10
Yay Pokemon types! There are currently 18 types and everyone likes different types for different reasons. You may like Fire or Dragon because it's overrated or you may like Ghost and Dark for a more spooky feel.
Personally I love Bug types. Bug types are so cool and creepy, Everyone hates them for either weak stats or just weird looking but damn there beautiful in a way. Vespiquen is one of my favorite Bug types because I'm Bias for gen 4 okay?? Also Pokemon number 666 is Vivillon which has those damn DEVIL WINGS!!!!
So what's your favorite Pokemon types?
Avatar of DarkDragon10
Gen 4 is my absolute favorite. I played all the gens up to 6 and 4 was by far my favorite. They introduced some of my favorite Pokemon, Cool mechanics, And it was what really made me like Pokemon even more. Great moves were introduced, Infernape the coolest starter I have ever saw and just a lot more. Also I have all Pokemon on one of my copies of Platinum! (I didn't cheat all those Pokemon. Okay maybe I did most.)
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Awesomenauts or Rogue Legacy.
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Personally I believe in Spirtuality and an afterlife. Now that doesn't mean I try and make people believe and try and force people to believe in so. I have always been scared of death so the thought of going somewhere after I die is a comforting thought. And the thoughts of Spirits of a passing family member watching over me is comforting too makes me realize a part of them is still with me.
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I live in woods pretty much and I must say it's beautiful to be surrounded by trees and waking up to a beautiful sunrise!
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Since the whole recent drama with Fig I suppose a lot of us will come here. If that's the case is there any way that we can inform some of the members that don't know about this site tell them and have a community with the older members?
Avatar of DarkDragon10
Sounds interesting I would watch a few of them for sure.