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Here are comments posted by Brock!
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Oh! I did forget to link to the comics, didn't I? I'm doing a bunch of different stuff actually, so... yeah! You can find them here:


Yay and stuff. You may have seen my art before, but I worked on it much harder now, and I honestly think it's much better because of it! Still, my older comics are on there too, if you're interested, though they're not as good, although funnier.
Avatar of Brock
I've been listening to this song a lot the last few days! I hope you enjoy it if you haven't heard it!:

Avatar of Brock

Sorry about that, anyway, uh... I've been making a lot of comics recently, only this time it's been on the COMPUTER!!! That's a first for me! I never knew I could do comics as well as I could when I draw them out, but I guess I can!

That probably means I will be able to do Figcomics as well, though they won't be anywhere near as good as I'd ever hope they could be!!!

Still, I know my comics aren't exactly 'popular' amongst this community as they were badly done before... hard to read, uneven panels, and lots of other flukes like bad writing!! I've actually fixed two of those things now! What would that be? Well... the legibility and evenness. It all looks smoother and prettier now!

Anyway, I thought I should mention it since Fig won't be up for a few days!
Avatar of Macheman7
Brock! You're alive, and here to boot! :D
Yay. The chat is borken currently, but you should totally check out unsupported.msparp.com/chat/Fig-Hunter. B:
Avatar of Brock
I never liked the blood in Mortal Kombat at all... hence why I never play it! I'm much more of a lighter game, like Kirby (though that has blood in some fights, it isn't terrible or anything...) or Mario or even maybe Suikoden II or Fire Emblem. Yeah.

I was never good at fighting games either, unfortunately! I never enjoyed them due to this, so I always get crushed when a friend wants me to play one... BUT I CAN BEAT THEM IN OTHER THINGS LIKE... LIKE MAKING REALLY COLORFUL AND YET BADLY WRITTEN COMICS!!! And uh... maybe writing? Eh, whatever! Either way, I'm glad someone feels the same way I do! I REALLY hated the 'X-Rays' in Mortal Combat, they were hard to look at (so much so for me that I couldn't look at the screen when they were used on me).

Not to say the game can't be fun... it can! However... I could EASILY do without the large boobs of the females. Sheesh.
Avatar of Brock
So, looking back, what was one of your childhood games that you grew up with? If it wasn't a game, what was it? I'd like to know the diversity and stuff of the people on this site, as I did several kids games when I was young, namely Backyard Baseball 2003... that'd be ten years ago. Basically, it was a sports game with a bunch of kids and they could play whatever sport they did amazingly. It also included pros as kids... which was odd to me now, but it didn't bother me at the time...

Anyway, the games were fairly easy (mainly because I was too scared of a kid to play hard level), but what they lacked in difficulty they made up for in diverse personalities. Each character was different and unique in their own way. For example, one of the backyard kids, Pablo Sanchez, was short and fat but spoke basic spanish. However, you figured out if you shift-clicked on him that he picked up spanish at a young age and spoke it all the time now. Another player in the game, Dante Robinson, was short with a big fro. He basically ate everything in sight, because he wanted to be really tall. Along with this, the game could also take itself rather seriously when you played the game. It actually taught me a few things about the sport, despite being a cartoon! So yes. I'm done ranting about my childhood.

So what did you play as a kid? Tell us!
Avatar of Brock
Welcome weary traveler. Would you like to buy something or listen to tips and tidbits for 2 dollars?
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Well, I figured I'd post my own poem about myself here... yeah... (though I don't mean to put a bad light on anything here)

Cast aside your anger, it will serve you nothing but tears. Your happiness is never true enjoyment over the years. You cling to hope, yet you dwindle like a flower. You are an introvert, whose seeds of joy you never sower. You are alone, an empty husk in a field of lively, outgoing chloerics. You cannot fathom violence, and your mind never cycles off of one thing: true rhetorics. You are alone..

Yes... I hope you enjoyed reading my soppy, poorly rhyme schemed poem... Nonetheless, I enjoyed making it.
Avatar of Brock
I may as well add my input:

1) No spamming, or hacking, of this site will be tolerated.

2) No multi-accounting.

3) Be courteous and kind.

4) Don't criticize other members or be mean to them just because the member is disliked. It's what makes things toxic.

5) Be careful when making a post. Think it through, then decide what you will do.

6) Do not post inappropriate things or links, like porn.

7) If a ban is illogical, and enough members complain, it may be revoked.

8) Don't type like a four year old, please, we're mature adults here.

9) Give the mods some PM search status on certain people. This may help take down trolls and the like, but is likely to be abused.

10) Add a flagging option (just a suggestion)

11) Do be pretentious or condescending in an argument. While this shouldn't get you banned, if it annoys enough members, it will (after a discussion under mods)

12) Do not clog up the forums or make irrelevant posts under the character limit.

13) Breaking the chat by hacking or illegal chat characters will get banpoints, or a ban altogether.

14) Do not make mean or annoying usernames, please. We are respectable people here!

15) Last but not least, be reasonable in your ratings... or suffer a small/large consequence.

That is all I have to say. Thank you for reading.
Avatar of TASIP
Mature Adults? Lolololol

I think you are though, since you are one of the members I totally respect, appreciate, etc. from afar, but most people (here) that think they are mature are just naive. Unless, you're just trying to say we're mature compared to four-years olds, then that's true.

The flag comment is actually a neat suggestion. :)

About the PM search, the mods can only look at PMs if someone reported it, like giving them permission; if someone abuses the report, it's them who'll be punished and etc., etc.

I don't want to double post so I'll just say it here too, I see many people biching about bans, I say:

SavageWolf = / = Pseudolonewolf

I would say more but I already got my main point across.
Avatar of Brock
This is a game about trying to keep the last melon from everyone else without eating it. Whoever retains it by the end of the thread will be mentioned in one of my entry messages or something, I don't know.

Anyone, I will build a fortress to guard the melon, with elite guards at all doors, and a stone floor so no one can go underground... :o