Here are people which have this irregularity.
Hello! This site exists apparently. That's pretty cool.
I am 20 now, like video games, and tend to be 'brutally' honest. I will probably get more in depth here when I'm not doing other things!
Let me know what you think of this username.
Unicode test: ∮ E⋅da = Q, n → ∞, ∑ f(i) = ∏ g(i),
This will be shown on my page, apparently.
Often shy and quiet. Obsessed with computers. Learning programming, and hopes to make a living off of it.
Dabbles in art at times too, and is way too absorbed in the MLP fandom.
Favorite games are Team Fortress 2, Dwarf Fortress, and Morrowind.
And here are some comments.
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