Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Hello! This is Fallen Fig, a website to continue the legacy of a site called Fig Hunter. It's a community site for those that Pseudo has cast aside.

It isn't, a site designed only for "cynical logical-minded males", they are certainly welcome though. It's more of a site for people to discuss things, to make friends, and to have deep discussions on various things.

If you are not a member of Fig Hunter, feel free to join! We aren't an exclusive club or anything!
Here is a comments area, where you can start your journey into the wonderfull world of hunting figs. No, not like that. Get your mind out the gutter.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... So is anyone still here? I legit can't check because I don't have any tracking on this site.
Avatar of deferentsheep
I am monarch of all I survey,
My right there is none to dispute;
From the center all round to the sea,
I am lord of the fowl and the brute.
Avatar of SavageWolf
For those that aren't aware, there is a Discord Fig Hunter server.

(Link expired, just email me at savvywolf at protonmail.com or something)
Avatar of figStuff
I have a stash of Pseudo's old games/music/stuff, PM me on deviantart if you want some.
Avatar of deferentsheep
she think she dancing on my fruit but that my twig
Avatar of deferentsheep
I can't make it to your wedding, but I'm sure I'll be at your wake
not if i cremate myself first
Avatar of uugr
more like, you're an activity, am i right lads
Avatar of Poseidon
It seems that Fig Hunter works again.
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